Wednesday, 31 May 2017

The Real Face of Postpartum Depression

There are many misconceptions that exist when talking about depression. Many think that only “crazy” people have depression problems, or maybe only people that have struggled with some sort of mental illness before. However, as I found out postpartum depression can happen to anyone, it is no respecter of persons. My journey with postpartum depression started with the birth of my first child. When we brought him home from the hospital I panicked. I did not know what to do with this baby I didn’t feel the way I thought I should about him. Yes, I loved him but where

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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Can You Be a Good Parent If You Suffer from Depression?

Depression is not a mood. Yes, you can get sad and lonely occasionally and refer to this as being depressed. But an ongoing state of being depressed is considered depression. Who does depression strike? Depression can strike anyone at anytime and it can strike for many different reasons. Recent studies have shown that about 16% of Americans suffer from depression. These people suffer enough that they have to seek some type of treatment whether it is therapy or therapy along with drug therapy. Most commonly people among the ages of 30 to 44 years are the greatest majority of depression

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Postpartum Depression – One Year Later

I Am a Survivor of Postpartum Depression – Here is What Life is like One Year Later I am a survivor of postpartum depression. Lately, I have been reflecting on my journey through the disease, because it was just a year ago that I finally felt full relief from my symptoms. My daughter, who is now 18 months old and brings me so much joy every day, was born premature due to a variety of health conditions that were affecting me. As a result, she stayed in the hospital and I was sent home empty-handed. This, along with the myriad

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Monday, 29 May 2017

Signs that Your Child May Be Suffering from Depression

There are many children who suffer from depression. According to Rama Rao, MD, “It is estimated that five percent of all children suffer from serious depression that requires some form of treatment and intervention by physicians and other health care workers.” Many parents don’t even realize their child is suffering from depression. When they see their child sad they often assume it is problems with other friends that will eventually pass. Treatment is rarely sought out and depression is rarely recognized till later stages in adulthood. Parents can help by being aware of the signs of depression and seeking professional help

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Living With Depression: My Personal Journey

Depression: More Than a State of Mind Most of us think of depression as feeling a little blue. We routinely use it to describe being disappointed when things don’t turn out the way we had hoped. Depression is more than a state of mind and can be debilitating. Those suffering from depression should seek help. Depending on the severity, some may not be able to seek treatment on their own. That’s when a family member or close friend should intervene on their behalf. It’s better to risk offending someone, then to do nothing at all. Doing the right thing doesn’t

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Sunday, 28 May 2017

The Four Phases of Job Loss Depression and How to Deal with Them

The words ‘recession’, ‘unemployment’, and ‘lay-off’ have been driven into the minds of anyone with a television set. Unfortunately, this is because these words apply to a significant portion of the population. If you’re one of those people who has recently lost a job, you may find yourself going through quite an extraordinary array of emotions. Some people assume that once a person is laid off, that they become immediately depressed. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Just as one grieves the loss of a loved one in stages, so does he/she when a job is lost. No

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Natural Methods for Treating Depression

If you suffer or have suffered from depression and found the side effects too many of the medications are not worth their benefits, once your physician has been consulted, consider natural methods to treat depression. In the case of depression either benefits out weight side effects or vice versa. Deciding to use natural methods to treat depression is a personal thing and health should be considered. First and foremost do research. Clearly if you are bipolar considering natural methods to treat depression is not a wide choice. Your basic garden variety depression can however use natural methods to treat depression.

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Saturday, 27 May 2017

Seven Tips for Coping with Summer Depression

I’ve heard it said that July is “the happiest month.” Long lazy days, vacation time, and warm sunny weather lead many to regard summer as the feel-good time of the year. But for a surprising number of people, summer is a time for mild to severe depression. Just as winter can cause seasonal affective disorder in many people, summertime can trigger a lesser known form of reverse seasonal affective disorder, called summer depression. While I’ve never been diagnosed with depression, I have noticed that both the longest and the shortest days of the year are not my optimal time. During

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How to Cope with Depression During Menopause

Although there are a lot of women who go through menopause with flying colors, there are some women that would feel depressed and unable to cope with the changes in their bodies. Symptoms of depression during menopause would include sadness, loss of vigor, loss of interest in most things, loss of concentration and attentiveness, lack of self worth, loss of self-confidence, extreme restless and irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite and thoughts of suicide. If you are one of those women who are having so much trouble coping with the changes in your body, you should make it a point to

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Friday, 26 May 2017

Occasional Mild Depression Can Be Good for the Soul

Being Happy All the Time is Hard to Accomplish Because It Would Make Life Absolutely Unbearable Life is funny. The funniest part of life is that sometimes, when you don’t expect it, it’ll kick you in the gut and then help you up. No one can experience an entire lifetime without going through the entire gamut of emotion. Of course, we all remember the times when we were unequivocally happy, but it’s the times when we’re on the edge of desperation that can bring back the most vivid of recollections. Not only do they remind us of our humanity, but

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Postpartum Depression: Misunderstood and Misdiagnosed

Some say that parenthood can be one of the greatest joy and accomplishments in a persons’ life. I cannot say that I do not agree, but then again parenthood can also be a nightmare for the unprepared. Postpartum depression can affect many mothers. This depression can occur from the moment of birth, and up to the first year of post pregnancy. It is a horrible disease; mainly, because it is so misunderstood and misdiagnosed. If gone unnoticed post partum depression can possess the power to have a fatal result; however, it can also steal away the precious moments; the bonding

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Thursday, 25 May 2017

My Husbands Battle with Grief and Depression

My Husband’s Battle is My Battle I met and married my husband over 16 years ago. Some people like to say that their spouse is the same today as the day they married. For me, this is simply not true. Over the span of our lives together my husband has gone through a lot of changes, some good and some bad. I can honestly tell you that the man I married over 16 years ago is still the man I love, but he is different now. Of course everyone changes and grows, but the most recent changes have been significant enough

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Does Depression Influence Fertility?

5 Easy Steps to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant One of your biggest enemies if you are trying to conceive is depression. Studies show that keeping a positive outlook on life boosts your fertility and helps you get pregnant. Here’s why: How does depression affect fertility?  Research shows that depression affects the hypothalamus that helps regulate our hormones. This triggers a negative response in a woman’s body that affects her ovulation and fertility and even the subsequent implantation of the egg once it reaches the uterus. Sadly studies show that even women who have no history of depression, often

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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Effective Herbs for Treating Depression

Depression is a known medical condition which many people suffer from. Some people have just mild depression once in a while, others just have occasional mood swings, while still others have more severe and chronic forms of depression. There are many different ways to treat depression symptoms, including the use of antidepressant prescription drugs, changing the foods you eat to improve your nutrition levels, and using natural remedies such as herbs. One of the most well known herbal remedies used successfully in treating depression in St. John’s wort. Another herbal remedy which can work well to treat depression symptoms is

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My Husband’s Battle with Grief and Depression, Part Two

When I first wrote ‘My Husband’s Battle with Grief and Depression’ I was at a point where I was doing okay other than the fact I was consistently worrying about my husband. I ended the editorial by concluding that things were getting better, and they were. But I have since discovered that the yo-yo ride of emotions was not over and I am now beginning to wonder if it ever will be. To recap, my husband is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who lost his mother last year. He has consistently struggled with depression since her death. In retrospect,

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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Ten Ways to Cope with Winter Depression or the Wand Which Can Clear the Sky

For those who don’t have summer all over the year and from time to time experience depression in the period of long nights and tiny days. Here are ten ways to cope with winter (or any other kind of) depression: 1. Choose the softest armchair in your flat/house/office (if the situation is serious, kick the boss out of his place), comfortably place yourself in it, close your eyes… and scream 2. Don’t be a snob and finally buy that unnaturally expensive bar of Swiss chocolate, on which you used to look woth admiration and sweet feeling in your mouth –

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Depression in Parents of Infants and Toddlers

Depression in parents of takes a great toll on their infants and toddlers. The greatest impact obviously occurs when the parents is the prime caregiver, most often the mother. The attitude and behavior of the parent affects the child’s behavior as a young child and throughout the following years of his life. The sketch of a depressed parent is one who is occupied with his or her own cares and leaves little room for the needs of the child. This parent may be reserved or detached from the child, failing to respond to his cries. They may also fail to

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Monday, 22 May 2017

How to Avoid Stress-Related Depression in These Troubled Times

While You May Not Be Able to Change Your Circumstances, You CAN Avoid the Burden of Depression With financial woes hitting more and more families, not only throughout the U.S., but literally worldwide, anxiety levels, as well as huge personal loss, have increased dramatically at the same pace. This could easily lead to unprecented levels of depression. Even if we, ourselves, don’t come to that dark place, having knowledge and resources to help others is invaluable. Depression can have many causes, of course. Some are hereditary factors, past or present abuse issues, serious illnesses, chronic pain, certain medications, etc. But

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Postpartum Depression in Men (Yeah It’s Real)

All About Postpartum Depression in Men When you hear the words postpartum depression you naturally think of a woman having terrible mood swings and crying spells, but don’t be surprised PPD affect men as well. Though postpartum depression is a very uncommon condition if it goes without treatment it will affect the new born as well as the mother. A fathers PPD can affect the family as much as a mothers PPD. Ten percent of new fathers are affected by postpartum depression. As this unfortunate condition arise sadly the men and their partners fail to recognize it. So it’s often

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Sunday, 21 May 2017

Understanding Peri-Natal Depression

Symptoms of peri-natal depression include sleep disturbances,changes in appetite, mood changes, and difficulty concentrating. There are many risks associated with untreated depression during pregnancy. They include preterm labor, growth retardation, decreased prenatal care, poor weight gain, and increased substance use. Depression during pregnancy is very common, but also under diagnosed because women feel they should be joyous since they are having a baby. Depression is very different from the “baby blues,” which is very common after the baby is born. Fifty to eighty percent of women experience some form of the baby blues post partum. Women with the baby blues

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Prescription Medications for Depression

Do You Take Anti-depressants? It may not seem surprising that over 15 million Americans in the United States suffer from a form of Depression each year. That number is expected to rise over the next few years; sadly, one of the wealthiest nations on the Earth continues to suffer from Depression. That almost seems paradoxical, doesn’t it? But nevertheless, Depression is out there and so must those millions of Americans continue to receive treatment for the disease. Also not surprising, however, is the fact that most Americans choose to take some form of anti-depressant prescription medications. These medications are usually

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Saturday, 20 May 2017

Postpartum Depression: Happy-Go-Lucky Gone Wrong

I Am Not Depressed Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common, yet serious illness. You can read yourself blind, study yourself to death, and still dismiss yourself from the depression category. At your 2- and 6-week postpartum checkups, you will more than likely have to take a quick, 5-question survey so your doctor can assess you for symptoms of PPD. Now, most women will pass through those questions with flying colors, never giving the doc any inkling of underlying depression, when, in fact, it is there. Lurking. Breaking. Destroying. Postpartum depression is like a cat, waiting in the tall grass to

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How to Recognize Alcoholic Depression

It can be very difficult to watch a person deteriorate due to Alcoholic Depression. He problem is that many don’t know that an individual is going through this type of depression. In my own experience it took a lot of research and the help of a doctor to recognize the symptoms of Alcoholic Depression in another family member. The sad reality of alcoholic depression is that if it is left untreated it can cost the person their life. There are several symptoms which you will need to look for when attempting to determine if a person has alcoholic depression. The

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Friday, 19 May 2017

Anxiety Depression – Different Types and Possible Reasons

The world is becoming too fast day by day and the daily routine life is rapidly going too much over loaded for a normal human being. Everybody is working hard for its survival in the current economic conditions and thus, the result is exertion on the brain, which causes physical stress and slowly decreases the performance capacity of a normal human being. Every human brain has a certain capacity of taking work load as well as the traffic of thoughts. These thoughts may come from the work front or from the routine life. When things start jumbling up and a

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The Use of Quizzes in Recognizing Depression

Depression crawls up silently on you. You do not know when it will attack and so the necessity for recognizing it at its initial stage is extremely important. Early treatment and specific action to relieve stress from your life style are the best remedies. It is essential that you come to grips with the fact that depression, if not treated at an early stage, can come to stay forever and gradually invite some other mental and physical illness. These illness can ruin your life. But how do you recognize depression? Usually depression is recognized from the following indications: – Insomnia

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Thursday, 18 May 2017

Practical Tips to Overcome Depression After a Divorce

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce Almost everyone has experienced a broken heart at one time or another. No one enters a marriage believing that it will end some day. When a couple decides to get married, they don’t know how their life together will turn out. Anger, sadness, resentment, frustration and confusion are very reasonable emotions during the divorce process. But there are things you can do in order to survive a divorce. In order to become self sufficient after a divorce, you have to accept your situation. Never see yourself as a victim. Negative thoughts often lead to

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How Depression and Mood Effects Suicide

People believe that you are crazy or deranged to think about taking your own life. I would like to make it clear that people who commit suicide for many reasons, some are really stupid and some are sincere. When a person is in such dispare that they feel they have nowhere to turn and then they get depressed to the point that they lose touch with reality, even if it’s a few minute or a few hours. The mind that is weakened by the torment most often will carry through on it, and the stronger people may be able to

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Wednesday, 17 May 2017

How I Beat Depression: Enjoying Life

Depression No Longer Defines Me I will never know if it was my upbringing or genetics that caused my depression, but as I aged it became clear to me that I was inflicted. I turned forty with a supportive loving spouse, two amazing children, a nice house, financial security, and lots of love, yet I thought about suicide daily. I finally admitted something was wrong. My emotions and my life did not match and for the sake of my family I had to figure out why. That was the most important step on my road to managing my depression. Recognize

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Depression Among Seniors Citizens

In 11th grade English Literature class we were told to write a poem or story based on a picture in our books. It was of an older gray haired woman sitting in a chair. She was looking out a window and her countenance was sad. I chose to write a poem. The title was Sitting and wondering. And today 37 years later I can still recall the first 4 lines. They were: Sitting and wondering, I’ve nothing to do Sitting and wondering I’m so sad and blue. Sitting and wondering I am so lonely. Sitting and wondering, won’t someone please

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Tuesday, 16 May 2017

How to Curb Depression After Economic Loss..

Volunteering Networks People and Keeps Us Busy In today’s times of emotional trauma, economic instability, and ever changing job markets, we need to discover new ways to invent ourselves. What we often miss while we are caught up in the immense trauma that follows in such times is what we truly do not require and what will fulfill our spirit. If we take a few moments to fill that spirit we may find new directions; new branches and leaves we can grow and cultivate. Of course your life may take a turn for the better; but is that any worse

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Conquering Post-Holiday Depression

Depression can take place at any time of the year, and the period right after the holidays is no exception. Just think of all the expense and effort you’ve put into trying to make everyone happy during the Christmas and New Year celebrations, that many people regard as the highlight of the year. You’ve dragged out the decorations from the attic and bought film for your camera. I have often felt that some people don’t feel they’ve celebrated the holidays correctly if they aren’t ready to collapse from nervous exhaustion at some point. It’s like some personal identity becomes linked

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Monday, 15 May 2017

How to Prevent Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a form of depression that occurs in new mother. Some symptoms include weight and appetite changes, feelings of hopelessness and sadness, sleep problems and loss of pleasure from daily activities. Some possible triggers include lack of sleep, feeling overwhelmed and stress. Women who have previously experienced depression may be more at risk. Fathers can also suffer from postpartum depression. Reduce your risk of postpartum depression by taking care of yourself during your pregnancy. Eat a proper diet, with plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Exercise when you feel up to it. Eliminate stress in your

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Paxil: Depression During the Depression

Some fiscal experts say we are headed toward a depression. And with jobs being lost and income low, it’s a safe bet that cases of depression among American adults and children is on the rise. In this series, I’ll guide you through the different types of anti-depressant medications on the market, their side effects, and the cost. Paxil, just like Prozac, is an SSRI. While Prozac was released in 1986, Paxil came out about five years later in 1992, as a direct competition to the drug that started it all. The drug is used to treat major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder,

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Sunday, 14 May 2017

How Depression Affects Your Daily Life

Depression affects every aspect of your daily life. The best way to explain it is by saying that it sucks the life right out of you. Things that were once important to you now seem like they are a world away. Your daily life becomes almost non-existent. In many cases, you do what you have to do, and that is it. Your life is void of any excitement or motivation. You sink deeper and deeper into a dark hole that you have created for yourself. I’m sure many of you are wondering, how could this happen? It can start when

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Postpartum Depression Experienced by Low-Income Mothers Could Become Chronic Depression

Depression experienced in low-income women within their child-bearing years is relatively common. Approximately 20% of mothers surveyed with children that are 12 months or older actually continue to experience moderate or even severe depression symptoms which is proven in the results of a recent study that was presented at an Annual Meeting for the Pediatric Academic Societies. This study has reinforced the previous notion and results of other studies that declare that depression in mothers may extend past the postpartum time period. In fact, as children get older, there is even a higher occurrence of depression among mothers according to

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Saturday, 13 May 2017

Obesity in Girls: Depression May Play a Role

Depression and child obesity – is there an association? A new study says “yes” and experts are hoping that treating depression early could help obese children get on track for losing those excess pounds. Depression and Childhood Obesity: Is There an Association? Researchers at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center examined a group of 111 adolescent children for symptoms of depression using a special questionnaire and assessment tool. They followed up by assessing their levels of obesity and measuring levels of a hormone called cortisol after subjecting them to various stressors such as doing math equations in their head. What

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Alternate Forms of Therapy for Depression

Did You Ever Think About These Ways to Treat Your Depressed Mood? If you are constantly going through a terrible depression period in your life like the millions of other people in the United States and throughout the world, there are plenty of natural treatment options for yourself rather than using prescription medications to keep your symptoms at bay. 1. Laughter Plenty of studies have been done to show that there is a clear connection between laughter, the brain, and the many health benefits that it can have. People actually underestimate using happiness and laughter to aid your depression, but

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Friday, 12 May 2017

The Anxiety and Depression Connection: Are They Related?

Some people do experience both anxiety and depression. Why? Let’s talk a bit about both disorders and you will see how they can be somewhat related, and how one has the possibility of leading to the other. Sometimes, a person can start with one disorder and before they know it, the other one sneaks up on them. In certain circles that is called “double indemnity”. Want to know more? How one often leads to the other. Anxiety, simply described, is obsessive nervousness and worry. It can be related to things that happened in the past (like post traumatic stress disorder)

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Depression in Seniors: Help is Available

For many Senior Citizens, the subject of Mental Health and depression is still a taboo area, a topic best avoided. Especially in men, depression is not recognized as a ‘valid” illness, but more of a signal of personal weakness in character, never to be admitted. It is an affront to the qualities cherished by the older generation – quiet strength, dignity, honor and self sufficiency. A large portion of the Senior population view Mental Health issues as a transgression of weakness, an insult to manhood, and an inability to resolve one’s personal problems. Ignorance of the issue and a thorough

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Thursday, 11 May 2017

The First Step to Dealing with Depression

Being depressed is not fun. Ask the millions who suffer with it. We all wait for the day to get better, only to be left wanting. Our friends and family don’t understand us. They say we are self centered, lost in ourselves, ungrateful, or just need to get over over it. May I speak on the behalf of the depressed to say, if only it was that easy. Sure, medications are available of which 75 percent don’t take due to various reasons. The main one being, the lie we tell ourselves that we are okay and just going through a

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National Depression Screening Day

Millions of people are diagnosed and treated for depression and depression-related illnesses each year. Unfortunately, millions more suffer from depression but due to social stigma or lack of information they remain untreated. In an effort to bring more awareness to this difficult and sometimes debilitating condition, Screening for Mental Health, Inc. started National Depression Screening Day in 1991 and has grown awareness through cooperation with clinics and healthcare providers nationwide. This large-scale screening day helps to provide free information and screening to those who may be nervous about talking to friends, family or their own healthcare provider about depression. Always

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Wednesday, 10 May 2017

The So What? Approach to Depression Therapy

Active Healing When you’ve tried to tell your therapist the story of your life, has he or she ever said, “So what?” Well, although it’s being wrapped up in nicer words, the outcome for one new form of therapy is the same. So what? Over ten percent of people over fifty-five are clinically depressed, and most therapists believe that the number is much more wide-spread. Many people don’t know exactly what depression is, and when they’ve lived with it for decades, it becomes the norm. While we aren’t promised happiness, we do need to feel that we’re working at the peak

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Postpartum Depression – the Silent Side of Motherhood

At 2:30 am on a Saturday morning, a young woman’s heart is put at ease as she hears the loud cries of her new baby. Tears of joy mixed with exhaustion roll down her reddened cheeks. This is the moment that she had waited so long for. This is her shinning moment as she embarks on Motherhood. Her heart is filled with excitement. She cannot wait to bring her little one home and introduce him to the world. She is ready to be a mother. This is a familiar story to many adults and even children. The joy and excitement

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Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Natural Ways to Beat Mild Depression

First let me say if you have suicidal thoughts head to the emergency room and do not try these tips. This article is for people who suffer from mild depression. If you have mild depression then you know how hard this can become when trying to live your everyday life. Certain things can trigger depression, but most of the time it’s not in your control. Everything can be completely perfect in your life, but yet you’re still depressed. If you don’t want to head to the doctors so they can place you on medication, then try one of these tips

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Five Suggestions to Fight Depression

Depression can make a person feel helpless, hopeless, and lonely. Here are five suggestions to help fight the downward spiral that can come with depression: #1: Set a Routine. When a person is depressed, they may not want to do anything, much less stick to a routine. This is when a routine is the most important. Getting up at a certain time and going to bed at a certain time can help the person regain a since of purpose. #2: Talk with friends and family. Depression can make someone want to cut off the rest of the world, but this

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Monday, 8 May 2017

Understanding Depression in Children

All of the parents in the world want their kids to be happy and healthy. Sometimes the lack of happiness can pose a big problem for your children. Depression has become a large problem in today’s world. It is possible that your children also are suffering from childhood depression. If you suspect your children are suffering from this depression, there are many actions you can take. The sooner you take the actions, the better it will be for the well-being of your child. Since children are increasingly vulnerable to depression these days, parents need to do everything possible to manage

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Essential Oils to Relieve Depression

Essential oils are used extensively in alternative medicine. In this article, I will examine some of the most beneficial essential oils that are used to relieve depression and show you how to use them for maximum results. Essential oils alone cannot cure depression. Presented in this article are suggestions for relieving depression on a temporary basis. These suggestions are meant to supplement other depression treatments. Essential oil therapy is in no way meant to be a shortcut to dealing with emotional problems. Please seek professional help if you feel your depression is more serious than the occasional, every-day blues. Essential

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Sunday, 7 May 2017

Depression as an Inspiration for Writing

Beads of perspiration and chills congregate on my body’s surface as I listen to the sound of the less than modern faucet lay its droplets on the less than ample sink mat. All I can think about is that red book and how I can eventually fuse together all of that acquired knowledge and vocabulary that formed so easily in the minds of the great scholars like Shakespeare, Proust and Dickinson. Come to think of it, was Dickinson even considered a scholar or just a woman who became so stuck in her own head she only replicated the emotions of

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Did Depression Kill Andrew Koenig?

Growing Pain’s Star Found Dead in Park After days of searching, a friend found the body of Growing Pains sitcom star, Andrew Koenig in Stanley Park in Vancouver on Thursday, February 25, 2010 at midday. He immediately called Andrew’s father, Walter Koenig (“Chekov” of the original Star Trek television series) who had travelled to Canada to aid in the search. Walter’s wife, Judy, said in a news conference that her son did not realize how much he was loved and how much he had to contribute to the world. Andrew was 41 years old and had not been seen since February

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Saturday, 6 May 2017

Use Your Depression to Create Impression

Constructive Stress Relief Solutions I dropped my tote, took off my shoes and sat on the love seat aghast, still thinking of the most humiliating hours of my life at work today. I was not only in shock and pain, but felt for the moment as if I am in the very edge where the world ends. What traumatized me was not just the incident, but thousands of other irrelevant factors; and people’s pointless curiosity that would from now onwards follow me like a ghost. I was possessed by a futile anxiety; which although I longed to escape from, clung

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How Untreated Depression May Lead to Cardiac Failure

Physical and Mental Health Issues Depression is a mental health complication that can lead to a variety of illnesses and typically we associate it with mental health solely. Unfortunately, in many adults, the complications with depression lead to physical health complications as well. If you life with depression, and if your depression is difficult to manage, it is important to become familiar with the health risks that may arise from a physical health standpoint. When not well controlled or treated, mental health issues such as depression can lead to a variety of physical health complication for which cardiac risks can

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Friday, 5 May 2017

The Importance of Identifying Depression in Your Pets

Depression can affect not only human, but even pets. Human depression can be identified in numerous ways, but how do we identify depression in pets? There are three major factors that can influence the pets’ depression which are human – as in owner or the people close to the owner, the surrounding environment and finally the pet itself. Pets are very sensitive to its owners’ emotion. Divorce, separation and many other emotional-related issues can be sensed by the pets. Introduction of a new member in the owners’ family also can cause depression to pets due to inability to adapt. Factor

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Dealing With Depression When I Was a Teenager

My Experience with Social Anxiety Everyone feels socially awkward when they are a teenager. No one can easily fit in. But when a person has a form of depression called Social Anxiety, the pressures of high school can become harder to bear. It wasn’t until shortly before I graduated that I was officially diagnosed with this disorder, and even with therapy and medication, it plagues me still today to a certain extent. In high school, however, it was much more difficult to cope. I recall walking quietly from class to class, making eye contact with as few people as possible,

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Thursday, 4 May 2017

Is Postpartum Depression in Question?

Isn’t Love Better Than Death? A Texas mother named Andrea Yates was freed from prison for the violent murder of her five small children including an infant by reason of insanity. She suffered from severe postpartum psychosis. This form of psychosis can affect mothers after childbirth especially if they already are predisposed to mental illness or depression. During this time a mother can loose her ability to make rational reality based decisions. This is what happened to Andrea Yates and so many other mothers. How can one be accused of a crime when their sanity is in question? Poor mother.

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The American Academic Depression: An Outcome of Outcome Based Education

The U.S Lags the International World in Every Conceivable Subject, and the Nation’s Top 10% Student’s Only Stand to Rival the Average Student in Asia The so called Outcome based education so bullishly propagated by groups of educationists in the 1970’s has finally taken its toll on the U.S education system. The U.S lags the international world in every conceivable subject, and the nation’s top 10% student’s only stand to rival the average student in Asia. This year, SAT scores set a record ten year low, speaking to the obtrusive failures of the current system that so many are simply

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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

5 Places to Find Bipolar Depression Information Online

Knowing where to start looking for valid information on bipolar depression can be a daunting task. I know I have spent hours online, in libraries and in the offices of various organizations trying to learn as much as I can about my bipolar disorder diagnosis. This guide is designed to narrow the search for you a little bit and give you my top 5 picks of where to start. #1 Place to find Bipolar Depression Information Your local library. Whether you choose a city or college library, it is guaranteed to have at least a couple of books on bipolar

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Depression and Happiness Go Together in One Lifetime

You can hear what everyone has been through in their voices. In a telephone call on the radio talk show Coast to Coast someone called in to say that she had been on anti-depressants for 20 years. What was so fascinating about this is that she sounded depressed. After 20 years of being treated for depression, this patient sounded depressed. That is highly unfortunate. Her ordeal began when her husband who had been bed-ridden for 10 years killed himself. The caller had been his caretaker all that time. After her husband’s death she was unhappy, of course and sought treatment.

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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Alternative Medicines for Depression

So, it’s been determined that your depressed. This could be done through a number of ways: you’ve been to a psychiatrist or psychologist, you’ve seen yourself in one of those depression commercials with the sad music and people sinking into the background, or you just find it hard to smile. First, welcome onboard and join the rest of us hiding behind the bookshelf. Secondly, what do you do now? If you are like me, you could have opted to try talking first before going to medicine. If talking doesn’t work (which I don’t think will with me), or you just

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Depression Support Groups in Dayton, Ohio

Depression can be difficult to deal with on your own. Being a member of a support group made up of others who are currently dealing with their depression or have dealt with it in the past can help you to feel less alone in your journey and may help you to stick with the treatment plan that your medical professional has given you. Support groups can take place in person, on the phone, or even via the Internet. Being in a support group can help you to make connections, improve your coping skills, get motivated, and find hope. Here are six

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