Thursday, 10 August 2017

Test Anxiety and How to Avoid It

Exam time and test time is a very stressful time for students. Test anxiety is a common problem among students and it does not discriminate for age. Mature students at the college and university level experience test anxiety, as do first and second graders preparing for their first spelling bee. This article is going to explore test anxiety and offer some solutions as to how you can deal with it. Anxiety during or shortly before exams, tests, or quizzes is fairly common and in fact, normal and to be expected. When the test anxiety begins to affect task performance, or

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Wednesday, 9 August 2017


The first thing you will want to do is to take a trip to the local health food store or natural foods market. There, you will want to locate the section which has the Bach Flower remedies. They have a chart which has detailed descriptions of what emotional concern each different remedy treats. Find at least 3 remedies. You will also want to purchase 2 teas by Celestial Seasonings ~ Tension Tamer ~ Chamomile Drink the tea, alternating types, throughout the day. Make sure you drink at least 6 cups of tea per day. Take the remedies as needed throughout

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What Can Be Done About Depression

There have been several classes of drugs that have shown clear efficacy in treating the symptoms that define depression. All of these drugs have something in common. They all affect the action of one or more of a few neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Although these transmitters are closely related to each other and, in fact, convert from one to another, they stimulate somewhat different receptor sites in the brain. It appears that increasing the responses of the receptors to these transmitters has effects on many of the symptoms of depression. Different transmitters affect different symptoms,

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Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Opening Up About My Depression

About Half a Life Lived with Mental Illness I would imagine there are some four-hundred pages. My files are in two large yellow envelopes, sitting in a stack of other important documents near my desk. Just a few months ago I got on the phone and called all of the various hospitals where I had been treated at for my mental illness. I requested all of my treatment records. So far, the records I have are just in-patient records –glimpses of personal crisis and my hospitalizations. I’ve glanced at them. I’ve made a note of how they appear. I haven’t

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Public Speaking Anxiety

Scientific studies show that the most common form of Social Phobia is Public Speaking Anxiety. This phobia translates in an irrational panic of public speechmaking or oral presentation. Its symptoms are as much physical as they are psychological and range from a shaky voice to cold hands, dizziness and a rapid heartbeat among others. The same studies showed that most people suffering from Public Speaking Anxiety tend to have a low level of self-esteem. Many psychologists agree that one factor is responsible for the other but a satisfactory conclusion was never reached and we can continue to debate this problem

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Monday, 7 August 2017

Depression Isn’t for Sissies

Asking for Help is Hard but Receiving Proper Treatment is Extremely Rewarding The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about 20% to 25% of the population experience at least one episode of depression. When reading the statistics that women are twice as likely to be depressed as men because of various hormone changes throughout their lives and added stresses involved with raising a child alone, it’s no wonder why I hit rock bottom. Although I can laugh about it now, depression is definitely not a laughing matter. For some reason, I had an unhealthy mentality that I needed to

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Do you or someone you know battle with depression? This question I’ve often heard asked on info commercials for various anti-depression medications, or even in regards to a medical facility that is being advertised. However, something that is often neglected to be mentioned within these commercials and various advertisement literature is the fact being often severe depression is not the problem of just one individual. Depression when it occurs, lingering longer than just a short-term case of the blues or depressed state due to circumstances, has already affected the individual family. If the depression is caused due to both circumstances

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Sunday, 6 August 2017

How to Deal with Depression in the Right Way

The current economic downturn has brought along with its other consequences depression in the lives of many families. It is very important to take this seriously as this can seriously affect your physical and mental well being in the short term as well as long term. Having you been feeling down as of late? Well one of the reasons for that could be that you are dealing with some form of depression. There are many forms of depression. You may not even realize that you have it before it strikes real hard. So the question that comes to one’s mind

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The Link to Happiness I have often wondered why everyone else around seems so happy, and I can’t get the slightest bit to fill my soul. Is it something I did? Do I not deserve to be happy? Is it a feeling I was just not born with? I think after years of this debate within myself I have at last come up with the answer. I will not allow myself to be happy. Many people living in today’s world suffer from the same problem. My whole life I have created obstacles I must overcome, before I am allowed to

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Saturday, 5 August 2017

A Mom’s Hope in Depression

Ah, summer is gone and the kids are back in school. They are both finally in elementary school, and I am not used to all this free time in my day. I’m not complaining about that, mind you, but it does get a little lonely around here. It’s been a more difficult transition than I expected. I thought I would be ecstatic about the preschool years being finally behind us. Instead, I find myself feeling sad and a little lost. A mom’s sense of purpose is pretty clearly defined when she’s holding a baby in one arm with a toddler

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Dealing with Depression

How do you deal with life’s ups and downs when you can barely face yourself in the mirror every morning? Life hands us all curve balls, and some, step up to the plate and knock them out of the park. Some people on the other hand, aren’t so lucky. For those of us living with depression, and In my personal opinion, everyone has some form of it, life’s daily activities can be extremely difficult to do. Hopefully, through trial and error, personal experience, I can share some ideas on how to make day to day life a little easier for

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Friday, 4 August 2017

Dealing with Depression

Many people do not realize how common depression is. It affects about one in ten people, and can be very serious. Untreated, it can even lead to suicide. Many people don’t recognize the warning signs of depression. People may even be depressed by not realize what is wrong with them. While symptoms of depression do include feelings of sadness, there are many other symptoms as well. Symptoms include a change in eating habits, either eating more or less that usual; a change in sleeping habits, either sleeping more or less than usual; and fatigue or lethargy. Symptoms include a lack

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Coping with Social Anxiety

For those of us suffering from social anxiety on a daily basis, we tend to look for ways to cope with this debilitating disorder. The easiest way to deal with social anxiety is to avoid any situation which will bring upon all the embarrassing feelings and symptoms that come with this disorder. The blushing, heart racing, dry mouth, stuttering, feelings of panic and more. As long as you avoid anxiety causing situations, you are very well “compensated.” Avoid equals no anxiety. Yet, it is one of the worst ways to cope with this problem because not only will your fear

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Thursday, 3 August 2017

How Anxiety and Stress Can Lead to Dangerous Weight Loss

Anxiety is a psychological state that everyone must face at some point in their life. When a person is suffering from anxiety, they may become anxious, their heart rate may increase, and they may add extra, unhealthy stress to their life. People who suffer from chronic anxiety may also suffer weight loss, which is triggered by stress and a lack of appetite. We’ve all felt the effects of anxiety. Our hands become sweaty, our heart begins to beat rapidly, and our thoughts begin to race in our mind. The stress that these effects can have on the body may also

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What Causes Depression?

A Look at a Complex Condition in Common Language Science is still not absolutely sure what causes this condition, so its practitioners are deliberately vague when it comes to this subject. Here, in easy to understand terms, are several things which are obvious to every counselor and physician. Most people understand that if you strain a muscle it will be damaged. For example, if you sprain your ankle, it will continue to work, but depending on the extent of the injury, not nearly as well. If you insult the human brain enough, it develops a similar condition. It will continue

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Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Sadness or Depression? How to Tell the Difference

It’s nearly impossible to watch an entire program on TV without seeing a commercial for an anti-depressant medication these days. Between the older Prozac commercials with the rain cloud that follows the animated stick figure and the question-and-answer ad for Cymbalta of “Who does depression hurt?…Everyone.”, you can barely get away with not knowing most of these ads by heart. But, the real question is, would you recognize the signs of real depression if you saw them? Sadness is an emotion usually associated with depression, but also something that most of us have experienced in our lives. But sadness is

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How to Stop Anxiety

Anxiety can stop you dead in your tracks. It can take your breath away and make you feel desperate. Some feel a sensation of impending doom. The first step is realizing you have anxiety, then you must learn how to treat it and stop the attacks. With proper treatment they will eventually lessen and perhaps even go away for good. The following steps are ways I have learned to deal with anxiety attacks. If your anxiety is severe, always seek the advice of a health care professional. There are various medications available to aid you with your anxiety as well

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Tuesday, 1 August 2017


You Can Help Yourself Get Out It is my opinion, having experienced depression for many years that the causes of depression range from biological ( chemical imbalance ), improper diet and exercise on a daily basis to negative thoughts, poor self esteem and fear (which keeps us stuck) as well as emotional, physical or psychological abuse or a combination of some or all of these. I am not a psychotherapist; I can only tell you what works for me. I have found that a combination of lack of good nutrition, exercise and a habit of choosing negative thought patterns and

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Natural Help for Anxiety

Anxiety can stem from post-traumatic stress, phobias and panic attacks. There are different, non-pharmaceutical ways that you can try to treat anxiety. Herbs can be helpful in getting the body to become calm in accordance with the mind. One problem with anxiety is that after the mind has regained control, the body is still out of control. Valerian root in the form of a tea, used, at least, two evenings in a row before bed time can work wonders. Other herbs that are commonly recommend include: Passion flower, chamomile and hops. Hops are the herb in real brewed beer that

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