Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety

Do you suffer from social anxiety? If you do, you know how difficult it can be to cope with social situations. There are many ways in which you can reduce your fear of social situations, which I will discuss in this article. I hope you find something that helps you! Social anxiety is constituted by fear of social situations and fearing you will act in such a way as to embarrass or humiliate yourself around people you do not know. Individuals who experience social anxiety might experience a number of physical symptoms either prior to or during social or performance

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How to Eliminate Anxiety in Your Life

An Interview Article with Psychotherapist Nicole Quaid, MFT Are you tired of having feelings of anxiety take over your life? Would you like to learn what you could do to take control of your anxiety? To help understand anxiety and what you can do to eliminate anxiety in your life, I have interviewed psychotherapist Nicole Quaid.   Tell me a little bit about yourself. “I am a psychotherapist practicing in Los Angeles. In addition to relationship issues I work with people who have experienced trauma, have chronic pain or stress related illnesses. I also work with people that have had

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Monday, 27 February 2017

Kava for Anxiety and Stress Relief

For thousands of years the kava kava root has been used by the people of the South Pacific as a folk remedy as well as a social and ceremonial drink . The kava plant is a shrub which grows in the South Pacific. It is part of the pepper family. The root is the part used for medicinal purposes. Traditionally the root was chewed or made into a beverage. Now you can find Kava in stores in capsule, pill, tea, and liquid form.   Kava is said to have sedating effects, reduce anxiety, reduce muscle tension, and produce analgesic effects.

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Depression and Poverty: Being Depressed Can Lead to Poverty

Sometimes depression can lead to poverty, but it’s also common for poverty to lead to depression. Which came first becomes irrelevant for the person suffering from both and what can be done about it becomes the more pressing issue. Ways depression can contribute to the poverty cycle: Loss of self worth and self esteem. When people are depressed they’re more likely to feel unworthy and not as apt to approach employers, counselors or family and friends for help. They may inadvertently drive people away with their negativity which contributes further to their isolation. Lack of motivation and energy. When motivation

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A Healthy Diet Prevents Depression: Study Links Processed Food to Mental Health Problems

Researchers in London studied the dietary patterns of nearly 3,500 civil service office workers between the ages of 35 and 55. The subjects were followed in seven phases from 1985 to 2004. With many other factors accounted for, the scientists concluded there is a cause-effect relationship between poor dietary choices and depression. Based on results published in the November 2009 British Journal of Psychiatry, public health advocates will soon be recommending diets high in unprocessed foods for the purpose of preventing depression. Two Diet Patterns Emerged Subjects were asked about their consumption of 127 foods in 37 food groups. Anglicized

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Eat Against Depression with Foods That Fight the Blues

Anyone who has experienced depression or that of a loved one knows the search for any and all possible avenues of healing, including various medications, psychiatric care, and even exercise regimes. Yet because modern food processing has altered traditional nutrients, depression is increasingly linked to food allergies and the lack of certain fats and minerals in one’s diet. Consequently, carefully choosing of what goes into the body has never been more crucial when it comes to reclaiming a healthy, happy life after depression. Fatty Acids Fight Depression Because two thirds of the brain is made of fats, fatty acids are

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Nutrition and Seasonal Affective Disorder: The Role of Healthy Diet in Coping With SAD

There are a variety of different symptoms associated with the condition seasonal affective disorder or SAD. The condition is believed to affect as many as one in fifty UK residents and it is most common among those living at higher latitudes, in both the northern and southern hemisphere. How Seasonal Affective Disorder Impacts Diet A very common symptom associated with sufferers of SAD include changes in appetite at certain times of the year, usually from autumn to spring. Those affected typically recognise that their appetite significantly increases at this time of year; cravings for simple carbohydrates often increase during this

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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Severe Depression Affecting Women in the Luteal Phase of the Cycle

PMDD, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder, is a mood disorder that affects women during the premenstrual phase of their cycle. It is often compared to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) given the similarity in symptoms and cyclical pattern. It does, however, differ in severity – PMDD can seriously impair on the day-to-day functioning of sufferers and should not be taken lightly. Symptoms of PMDD Symptoms are cyclical and appear in the two weeks prior to bleeding, which is a key factor in differentiating PMDD from other mood disorders. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM –IV) has been criticized by researchers

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Films To Lift Artistic Depression: Four Films That will Make You Feel Great about Being an Artist

If you’re an artist, you will more than likely experience inspirational slumps, writer’s block or periods of depression when nothing you are creating seems worthwhile or meaningful. On such days, brew up a coffee and take a break! Spending a few hours watching a biographically-based film about the redemptive power of art can be just the thing you need to kickstart your creativity into action again.These four movies promise a sense of renewal. Dead Poets Society This 1989 film starring Robin Williams as the passionate English professor, John Keating, won several Academy Awards. Keating is more than a teacher, he’s

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Coping with Suicide: Helping Loved Ones deal with difficult Loss

The suicide of someone you love is one of the hardest things you’ll ever experience. Sometimes the most challenging part of it is dealing with the discomfort of others who seem incapable of knowing what to say or do. Grieving is a process that takes time. You can best help someone dealing with a loved one’s suicide by being non-judgmental, having a listening ear, and assisting them to re-establish a healing routine. Being Non-Judgmental Many people have conflicted feelings about suicide. Some view it as a mortal sin; others see it as the person’s choice and thus not as tragic

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Physical Causes of Depression: Some Mood Disorders Are Easier to Cure

Most people believe that depression is a mental or emotional illness, or that it is caused by chemicals in the brain. Whilst the former statements are often valid, it may come as a big surprise to discover that there are physical causes of depression that are relatively easy to remedy. Physical Causes of Depression The following case study is fairly typical: The patient is in her mid 20’s. She complains of depression and lack of energy and enthusiasm. She also has bloating, digestive problems and various other health niggles. She can’t understand why she is feels that way since she

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Post-Race Depression: How To Overcome The Blues After The Marathon

You’ve trained long and hard to complete a marathon. After months of faithfully running according to your marathon training schedule, the moment of triumph has finally arrived. You cross the finish line, arms raised triumphantly in the air. You just ran your best race, shattering your previous PR by double digit minutes. Months of hard running have finally paid off. Now what are you going to do? This state of mind is called the after-race blues, or the post race depression. It affects more than just runners. Athletes who have finished a major event, such as a marathon, a triathlon,

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Depression in the Elderly: Consequences, Symptoms and Treatment of Depression in Old Age

Depression is a biologically based illness just like diabetes or high blood pressure, with real physical consequences. In recognition of this, there is a growing movement of mental health practitioners and primary care physicians teaming up to identify medical patients in need of mental health treatment and to offer such treatment in the physician’s office. In most states, insurance companies are now required to cover the costs of treating biologically based mental health disorders like depression, the same as they would cover treatment for other physical illness. Complications of Depression in the Elderly Depression in the elderly leads to poorer

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6 Methods to Relieve Depression: Natural Remedies for the Blues

The statistics are staggering: According to Archives of General Psychiatry, an estimated 14.8 million Americans suffer from depression. The AMA adds that twice as many women than men are victims (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1996). Exercise Your Cares Away One of the most effective and inexpensive ways to combat depression is with regular exercise, says USMedicalResearch. A light workout releases mood enhancing chemicals and decreases stress hormones. Take a brisk walk in the mornings for at least 30 minutes. This also gives you fresh air and sunlight, both of which create positive effects in body functions and brain

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Depression in Young People: Symptoms and Management of Low Mood in Children and Adolescents

Depression affects approximately 5% of children and adolescents in the US. Possible risk factors include family problems, illness and lack of support. Symptoms of Depression in Children and Adolescents Some of the following symptoms may be present in young people with depression: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness Feelings of self-hatred, guilt Feelings of anger, irritability Loss of interest/enjoyment in activities Poor school performance, absenteeism Abuse of drugs, such as alcohol Spending a lot of time alone Suicidal thoughts and feelings Difficulty concentrating Tiredness and lacking in energy Sleeping problems Changes in appetite Frequent minor health complaints, such as headaches It

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Vitamin D and Depression: The Sunshine Vitamin Can Help Beat the Blues

Spending your vacation sitting on the beach soaking up the sunlight sounds like a great way to forget work pressures and to banish the blues, but what if it were a prescription for treating depression? You would want to get your doctor to write that script pronto, right? Vitamin D Many studies suggest that vitamin D—often called the sunshine vitamin because the body produces the vitamin from cholesterol by the action of sunlight on the skin–plays a significant role in mood and depression. There are two main forms of vitamin D: D2, which is found in plants; and D3, which

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How to Beat the Blues: A Quick Guide to Managing Depression

Here are some pointers for keeping the blues at bay when they arrive, and working towards happiness. Get lots of light The body responds well to natural light, which causes people to feel more upbeat and positive. Humans need at least half an hour of natural light a day, so get the required amount by stepping out of the shadows and into the sun as much as possible. Exercise Any self-respecting GP or advice book will tell people to undertake some form of exercise when depression starts to take hold. Though for most people getting up and active may feel

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Coping with Depression in the Holidays: Tips for Managing Low Mood and Stress in the Holiday Season

“Holiday blues” or “holiday depression” are terms used to describe the stress, anxiety and low mood that are triggered by stressors associated with winter festivals. “Holiday depression” is sometimes a misnomer as people may experience difficulties in the holiday season that do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of depression. Triggers of Holiday Blues / Depression Possible triggers include: Relationship concerns Physical concerns Experiences from previous holidays Media images of the holidays Lack of sunlight Existing responsibilities and stressors Holiday Blues / Depression and Being Realistic Holiday celebrations do not have to fit in with the picture-perfect media portrayals.

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10000 Lux Light Therapy for Depression: Risks/Benefits of White Light & Blue Light Therapy for S.A.D.

For 20 years, bright white light therapy has been used to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). Studies have shown that it is as effective as antidepressant medication, and sometimes even more effective. The standard dose is to sit in front of a 10,000 lux light for thirty minutes in the morning. Lux refers to the intensity of the light. A bright sunny day is 50,000 lux, regular indoor lighting is 100 lux. Drawbacks to 10,000 Lux Light Therapy There are possible side effects, (see below) though for most people, they are minor. People may find it difficult to set aside

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Deep Brain Stimulation Treatment for Depression: DBS Offers New Hope for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Patients who received four different treatments for depression, including ECT, and did not get relief, responded extremely well to deep brain stimulation (DBS) in recent clinical trials. But according to the Mayo Clinic, there are significant risks. What is Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression? Deep brain stimulation treatment for depression is a surgical procedure. Electrodes are implanted directly into the brain’s cingulate gyrus, the portion of the brain that effects sensory input, emotions, pain and aggression. The electrodes are wired to a generator implanted near the collarbone. DBS is a Form of Depression Treatment Known as Neuromodulation For several

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Natural Ways to Deal with Depression: Alternative Options for Solving Depression

No matter how charismatic our personality is, or how pleasant our life seems, there are times when we reach a state of depression. Alleviating depression with medication is not always an option, especially those with a lack of medical coverage.Though medication can be a potent source of relief, there are natural ways to deal with depression. Exercising in a sport or casual cardiovascular workouts, eating a stable and varied diet, and expression of creativity are all pathways to aid the end of a depression. Exercise: Sport or Casual Sports don’t always have to be about competition, or showing off prowess.

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Unipolar Depression vs. Bipolar Diagnosis: Definition of Mood Disorders Including Bipolar Disorder & Depression

Mood Disorders are conditions that have as their defining feature a mood disturbance. There are three types of mood disorders: Depressive Disorders (also known as “Unipolar Depression”); Bipolar Disorders; and Other Mood Disorders. What are the Depressive (Unipolar) Disorders? The three Depressive Disorders are: Major Depressive Disorder; Dysthymic Disorder; and Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. What are the Bipolar Disorders? The four Bipolar Disorders are: Bipolar I Disorder; Bipolar II Disorder; Cyclothymic Disorder; Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. What Are the “Other” Mood Disorders? There are three Mood Disorders classified as “Other”: Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition;

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Depression and Hope: You’ve Determined You Suffer from Depression–Now What

It’s not that depressed people have not attempted to just cheer up, it’s that they have been constantly thinking in such an anti-cheerful way that the brain is automatically set on sad-drive. You are What You Think We’ve all heard that our thoughts affect everything we do: from the way we feel to the actions we take. So imagine what sort of life a person may live who has constantly focused on the hurt of past failures, the hang-ups of missed opportunities and the heartache of betrayals? Depression affects everything a person does, from work to taking care of their

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To Write Love on Her Arms: A Love Movement to Help Those Battling Depression and Addiction

The Story Behind To Write Love on Her Arms TWLOHA originally started as a story by Jamie Tworkowski about 19-year-old Renee Yohe, who was struggling with depression, addiction, self-harm, and attempted suicide. Tworkowski’s story chronicled five days of Yohe’s life before she entered treatment. Before they were able to get her to check into treatment, Yohe’s friends acted as her hospital, caring and praying for her in her time of need. When Yohe finally entered treatment, her friends began selling t-shirts in order to pay for it. They started a MySpace page “to give the whole thing a home,” and

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Clues to Teens’ Depression Can be Found in Peers: Comparing Teenagers Moods with Friends’ Behavior Offers Insight

Part of going through adolescence is the confusion of emotions from time to time. Parents concerned about their teens’ emotional state may find a clue in comparing their teens’ behavior with the way their friends are behaving or reacting to a common situation. Kendal writes, in Depression in Children and Adolescents, Assessment Issues and Recommendations , that parents should compare the way their teens react to a given situation with the way their peers react. When all peers reactions are considered, parents will have a baseline to compare their teens’ behavior.

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When You’re Feeling Blue … You Might Not Need A Shrink. But Still,– Something’s Wrong!

What could be the reason you’re not feeling your best? And how often have you not wondered: “Why the heck do all my friends appear to be happier than me?” And when you start looking for reasons, they are easy to find. Your Friends all seem Happier Your friends are good looking; they have good sex; they are happily married; they have great, intelligent children who are well behaved. Or, maybe they’ve just won the lottery. Who cares. The point is, maybe those are not the real reasons, and maybe, just maybe, it’s you that has the problem. And the

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The Continued Winter of Depression: It’s Spring, So Why Isn’t Winter’s Sadness Lifting?

There is actually a problem brought about by winter’s shorter days called Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a form of depression. Fortunately there are ways to cope with the lack of sunlight, and once spring arrives many people start feeling better. But when spring doesn’t make you feel any better, it may be time to recognize that you (or a loved one) are not facing a seasonal problem, but something that needs more aggressive attention. The Chronic Illness Link The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) estimates that 15 out of every 100 Americans age 65+ suffer from depression. One

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Exercise in the Treatment of Depression: Increasing Activity to Ease Symptoms of Mental Illness

The very activity that will ease the symptoms of an illness can often be the hardest of all to do. This is very much the case when it comes to exercise and depression. Depression is often accompanied by feelings of fatigue, which means exercise is pushed to the bottom of the list of things to do. When experiencing low moods and tiredness, very few people will want to take a brisk walk in the sunshine or head to the gym to work up a sweat. Effectiveness of Exercise in the Treatment of Depression The Department of Health reports “At least

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Treating Depression with St. Johns Wort: Clinical Studies Support Hypericum Extract Regulation and Use

St. John’s wort is known by the scientific name Hypericum perforatum L. and is a member of the Hypericaceae family. The plant is listed as a noxious weed in nine U.S. states and is considered a livestock-poisoning plant, but its extract is sold as an herbal supplement for depression and not currently regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Research on the plant is relatively unknown. Facts about St. John’s Wort Hypericum plants are native to Northern Africa, parts of Asia, and Europe. The plant has been naturalized to Japan, Australia, South America, the West Indies, and parts of

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Causes of the Great Depression: Overproduction Led to Inflated Stock and Corporate Valuation

Herbert Hoover was inaugurated President of the United States in 1929, the same year of the great stock market crash that served as the catalyst for the coming Great Depression. Although Hoover won election largely because “Coolidge Prosperity” defined a prosperous economy, the causes of catastrophic economic failure were not readily apparent or were ignored. The growing wave of bank failures as well as other key financial institutions resulted in widespread loss of confidence and set into motion unprecedented unemployment figures. Yet the overall causes of the Great Depression predated the fateful events of late 1929 The Coolidge Years and

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Battling Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Cope with the Winter Blues

The colder seasons bring a lack of sun and the daylight to enjoy it, as well as freezing temperatures and less time spent outside. Everyone can feel a little blue during this time, but those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) are hit much harder. This form of depression can severely cripple a person; leaving them feeling constantly fatigued and unable to accomplish any of the regular day to day activities. Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder The symptoms of SAD are similar to many forms of depression; social withdrawal, anxiety, hopelessness and lack of energy, among others. How these symptoms

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Christmas Blues and Divorce Depression in Winter: Easing Holiday Blues by Focusing on Kids, Relaxing & Getting Therapy

Try Helping Children, Letting Go, Relaxing, Light Therapy, Seeing MD Many divorced parents start to get depressed while thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also, Seasonal Affective Disorder can contribute to a parent’s sadness. It’s good to concentrate on making the holidays joyous for the children, learning to let go and relax, and if necessary seeking medical help. Divorce Depression Divorce depression appears to hit people the hardest around the holidays. Well, some divorced parents don’t get to see their children at Thanksgiving and/or Christmas, which can make November and December some of the hardest times of the year. Along with

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Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression: Recognize the Differences in This Dark Period for New Moms

Baby blues after pregnancy are common and will typically resolve on its own within a few weeks of the birth. While postpartum depression is also proving to be more common, medical intervention is needed. Blame the Pregnancy Hormones After the birth of the baby, the enormous amount of hormones that have been present in the body to support the growing baby decrease drastically. This rapid reduction in hormone levels can leave the new mom a crying mess. Tears and sadness may be uncontrollable and for no apparent reason. Coupled with the lack of sleep, the combination can provide an unbearable

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for SAD: CBT for Seasonal Affective Disorder Provides Longer Lasting Results

CBT has long been one of the “talk therapies” shown to be effective for depression in general. But why would CBT help Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), if the cause of this depression is a lack of light? In order to grasp this, it is important to understand the spiral of depression. The Spiral of Depression and SAD Depression, regardless of the cause, shows up as negative and sad feelings. These depressed feelings lead to negative thoughts and behavior. In turn, the depressive thoughts and behaviors actually contribute to more depressed feelings, which in turn contribute to more negative thoughts and

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Remedies for Depression: Natural Cures for Depression Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Natural remedies for depression may help lift the spirits of a person who is feeling down. According to Mayo Clinic, depression is one of the most prevalent health problems. Nearly everyone feels sad or depressed occasionally. These are considered to be normal human emotions, and they usually go away on their own. However, a person who is clinically depressed will have a more difficult time coping. Consult a physician before trying natural cures for depression. St John’s Wort as a Depression Remedy St. John’s wort has been tested for its effectiveness as a cure for depression. Several studies indicate that

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What is Sadness, and How to Cope with it: Sadness is a Part of Life that Should be Embraced and Experienced

Daily reporting of sadness can be found online, on television, and in the newspapers. A recent story of loss: actress, Brittany Murphy was found dead, at the age of 32, from a massive heart attack. It is always a shock when an apparently healthy young person suddenly dies. In this case, how could this story, of a talented and beautiful person, not touch the hearts of many? What is Sadness? Sadness is a part of life and a normal response to situations or events that result differently than imagined (disappointment). Although disappointment is often the main trigger for sadness, other

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Depression is as Deadly as Smoking: Better Treatment Helps Depressed Patients Live Longer

Being depressed increases a person’s chances of dying in the next few years, say scientists at the University of Bergen, Norway, and the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London. What may surprise readers is that depression not only increases a person’s chances of dying within the next few years, but that it increases a person’s risk of dying as much as smoking does. Depression is as Dangerous as Smoking Dr. Robert Stewart and other scientists who conducted the study have discovered that depression is not only a risk factor for mortality, but that it is also as strong a

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What Caused the Great Depression?: Looking Back on One of the Grimmest Periods in US History

The Roaring Twenties will always be remembered as a period of glamour and prosperity, a time when leisure and consumption dominated American life. Department stores, automobiles, modern appliances and luxury goods lured American families into believing that affluence was within everyone’s reach. All they had to do was borrow and spend on consumer goods or invest in stocks, which could dramatically increase their income. The Prosperity of the 1920s During the optimistic 1920s, credit buying and speculation became the norm. Banks relaxed their credit policies, tax cuts increased the money supply available for speculation, stock prices rose and people rushed

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Workplace Depression – How to Cope With Work Stress and Anxiety

The effects of workplace depression include low productivity, unhealthy relationships with coworkers, high turnover rates, and increased disability leave. Depressed employees may not know how to cope with work stress and anxiety, which increases feelings of depression. If you’re depressed at work, use these coping tips to empower yourself and alleviate feelings of depression. Take Responsibility for Your Mental Health Feelings of powerlessness and helpless can increase feelings of workplace depression, which is why it’s so important to empower yourself. Most people want to be productive, healthy employees who contribute something to their workplace. Very few people don’t want to

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Seasonal Depression: Causes and Treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder

When the fall months roll in, seasonal depression arrives for some people too. The Mayo Clinic website describes seasonal affective disorder as a kind of depression that happens at the same time each year. For most people, the symptoms of this depression start in the fall and carry over into the winter. By March or April, the symptoms begin to subside. People who are affected by it might be tempted to just call it the winter blues. Because SAD occurs mainly in the winter months, it can also be referred to as winter-onset depression. But SAD can also occur, although

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St John’s Wort for Depression: How Effective is it?

Did you know that approximately one out of 20 Americans suffers from depression? Many have sought help from their family physicians only to be prescribed antidepressants as Prozac, Zoloft, Xanax, or the like. While these may work greatly for awhile, they may become less effective over time. Chances are, sufferers have heard or seen advertisements stating how herbs can help heal one’s depression. Those who have done research on this subject seem to come across ads for St John’s Wort. St John’s Wort has been reputable for treating anxiety and depression by relaxing patients and improving their moods. It’s been

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Depression, Hope and the Importance of Excercise

Given the economy, loss of loved ones and everyday tragedies, depression can sneak up on even the most positive individual if one lets their guard down. Money and the lack there of, can be a major instigator for depression. Situations can get overwhelming quickly with loss of financial support for their families. Double-Digit Economic Decline According to the U.S. Census Bureau, out of 77,908,000 families surveyed in 2015 (latest published report), 80,000 of those families earned less than $15,000 annually and 96,000 earned less than $24,999 annually. A double-digit decline was recorded in some areas. Given the economy since this

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Dealing With the Pain of Depression

Living with the draining pain of depression is hard. People, who do not deal with depression in their own body, do not understand. Those who do often hear statements like, “Why can’t you just enjoy this?” or “Just be happy.” Well, it isn’t that easy. In fact, it isn’t easy at all. There are varying levels of depression, and those who deal with it have many varying symptoms. Some people who deal with depression will tell you that they have sleep issues. Either they cannot sleep or want to sleep all the time. A change in a person’s normal pattern

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Common Causes, Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Young Children

Depression is not merely an issue for teens and adults; children can also suffer from depression regardless of their age. Sometimes the signs are and cause are obvious; other times there may appear to be no reason for the depression or the signs are not what are typically thought of as symptoms of depression. Identifying Signs of Depression in Young Children Children typically express depression in different ways then adults, especially if they are unable to verbally express or identify what is bothering them. However, depending on the child, some symptoms may be identical to those present in adults. Typically,

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Sleep Problems in Depression, Anorexia and Anxiety Disorder

As anyone who has ever suffered with mental health problems such as depression or anorexia nervosa will know, sleep is something that seems to either be unobtainable or unavoidable. Many other forms of mental health conditions also affect sleep quality and quantity, which is why insomnia often has a mental cause. How Depression Affects Sleep One of the worst things about severe clinical depression is feeling absolutely mentally and physically exhausted, yet lying awake night after night watching the clock. While some depression sufferers find all they want to do is sleep and are able to sleep during the day

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Coping With Depression: Tips and Advice

What Depression Does Depression is an extremely common condition in the world today. Anyone can suffer from it and a lot of people let depression run their life. You no longer feel the need to do the things you love, whether it’s painting, hanging out with friends, your favorite sport, or playing music, depression can take these things away from you if you let it. Depression can be difficult for many people to get over, but if you try to do daily activities and social interactions with other people, then you can decrease the amount of depression in a huge

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Could Fructose Malabsorption Be Causing Your Depression?

Malabsorption Disease Development Most cases of fructose malabsorption begin from defective genetic materials causing an aldelase B deficiency. Symptoms often arise in infancy during the weaning process to dairy products and whole foods that contain sugar and sugar-substitutes like sorbitol. This can result in liver failure or even death. Adults with fructose malabsorption tend to develop a natural dislike for sugary foods, but avoiding foods and beverages that contain it is no easy task. The “Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology,” defines fructose malabsorption as very large amounts of undigested fructose in the colon, where it must be broken down by bacteria

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Ten Cures for Depression

The number one prescribed drug today probably starts with “anti”. Are anti-depressants working and is it an answer to why people feel down in the dumps? The Number One Prescribed Drug The use of anti-depressants doubled from 2006 to 2016 in the US and 27 million Americans take them says Liz Szabo of USA Today (Number of Americans Taking Antidepressants, USA Today). Do they work? Do Antidepressants Work? Some people say yes, while others say no. Discover Magazine posted an article (“Psychologist Says Anti-depressants are Fancy Placebos”, Carlin Flora), which highlighted Professor Irving Kirsch’s opinion that anti-depressants do not level

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Tips for Dealing with Depression without the Medication

Depression affects more people than we realize. When a sad moment lasts longer than just a few hours and extends for days… it is quite possible that an individual is depressed. However, medications are not always the answer for people who are able to manage their depression without it. There are numerous ways to manage one’s depression without ever using medications. Try a few of these following things and see if you can’t fight that depression away. It may be easier than you thought! Get Up and Get Moving! A great way to get higher serotonin levels in your brain

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Meditation and Depression – A Natural Alternative Treatment

Depression is a common mental health disorder that seems to be on the rise across the United States. It appears that so many people are frustrated with common treatments that they have sought alternative therapy treatments. Meditation appears to be the number one choice when it comes to alternative methods. Meditation has been known for relieving stress and allowing a person to be mindful of the present moment. Depression is a disorder that can lower a persons’ self-esteem, loss of interest, and changes a person’s mood. The number of people being treated for depression and other mood disorders are surprisingly

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