Monday, 27 February 2017

Could Fructose Malabsorption Be Causing Your Depression?

Malabsorption Disease Development Most cases of fructose malabsorption begin from defective genetic materials causing an aldelase B deficiency. Symptoms often arise in infancy during the weaning process to dairy products and whole foods that contain sugar and sugar-substitutes like sorbitol. This can result in liver failure or even death. Adults with fructose malabsorption tend to develop a natural dislike for sugary foods, but avoiding foods and beverages that contain it is no easy task. The “Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology,” defines fructose malabsorption as very large amounts of undigested fructose in the colon, where it must be broken down by bacteria

The post Could Fructose Malabsorption Be Causing Your Depression? appeared first on End Loneliness.


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